you want photographs that look like you.

I know that you've seen those photos that look so natural and organic and you've thought to yourself, I wish I had this of my family. Gosh, I know I have. I mean, I do have them. Of course I do. I'm a photographer. But I have them of my husband and my kids. I'm not really in them. I have resorted to putting my reflection in there whenever I possibly can or creatively using my own shadow to show that, "Hey! I'm here! Not totally invisible!"

Anyways, you don't have to do that because, "Hi! I'm here! I can do it for you!"

I have come up with these 5 tips to help you get the most out of your family's photo session. These are the things you can do to help ensure you get those photos you've always wanted.

little boy with bucket on his head holding a stick and screaming at family photo session in norfolk, virginia

5 things you can do to help you get those amazing honest and organic photos at your family session:

  1. Do it on your home turf! Now, this can be your literal home or your backyard or around your neighborhood. But this can also mean other places that feel like home- places you love and feel comfortable in. Somewhere you love to go. Things you love to do. The point is, we're doing it where you feel most at ease.
  2. I don't do silly props. I know people are like "What do I do with my hands?", but I say (especially keeping in mind tip number one), just interact naturally with your environment and just do the things you normally would do.
  3. You decide the time, not me. Now granted, there are props and cons to sunrise and sunset, but if that doesn't work for you then it doesn't work for me either. I can tell you that mealtime sessions can be really fun (aka messy) and I love photographing ordinary routines- because let's face it, with kids, nothing is ever ordinary.
  4. You choose how you dress. I don't have a generic client closet and you know what? I want to see YOU in YOUR favorite clothes! And, here's a bonus pro tip for you- you should let your kids dress themselves for your session. I promise whatever they come up with will not disappoint. Mismatched perfection, here we come!
  5. Trust the process. I know this is probably different that anything you've done in the past, but you hired me for a reason and I want you to lean into the experience and trust the process! Something really great will come out of this, I promise!

If you've been on the fence about a session, I would love to talk to you in a zero-pressure way. I want to know what you have envisioned for your session and we can work together to create something that fits your needs and your budget. I can't wait to see what you have to share with me!